Squeezing pins or clips is a great way to strengthen and develop coordination between fingers and thumb in order to develop the tripod pencil grasp. At the end of this post, I list a few of the many toys, games and arts and crafts that utilize clips.
Young children may enjoy simple activities such as attaching clothespins to
- to a box. Color matching is optional.
- Attaching doll clothing to a clothesline
- attaching clips to food bags
- connect matching paper of same color or design
- the rim of a large bowl

The client in this photo walks across the room to retrieve clothespins in a box on the table or floor. Retrieving materials from the floor and place up high is a great way to create a sensory rich "high-low" activity.
The video below demonstrates how to adapt clothespins with stickers so that they can discriminate which end to squeeze.
Source: Sticker adaptation to squeeze Clothespins by RecyclingOT

Frames may also be attached to the ceiling to promote reaching while attaching or removing the clothespins.

Adjust the height according to the needs of your clients.
Attaching or removing clothespins during hippotherapy is a lot of fun. The clips may be attached to the horse's mane. They don't seem to hurt or bother the well trained hippotherapy horse and clients work on balance, reaching, eye-hand coordination and postural control as they reach up close to the pony's ears!
Its easy to incorporate identifying colors as the therapist directs the client to remove a named color.

Attaching or removing pins from objects that they are holding develops skills to stabilize materials. Its fun to use toys that light up and/or vibrate. The extra sensory stimulate can be very motivational when promoting hand use and engagement.
Explore using various clothespin materials/activities as the client is on a rocker, swing, trampoline or other movement apparatus.
Of course, this requires trial and error and clinical judgment because some clients will find some materials aversive.
The fun, educational and therapeutic use of clothespins and clips are only limited by your imagination!