I have found some new ways to use my heavy weighted socks. These are made by filling plastic bags with sand and then placing inside a large old sock. You can make them as long or heavy as desired and I add a second layer of sock so that the outer sock can be removed and washed.

An individual was sitting in the lounge chair while I dropped several of the socks on his lap. He seemed to enjoy picking them up, walking across the room and dropping them into a box on the table. He was very focused and persisted for several minutes. He really likes moving and carrying heavy objects. It helped his body awareness and was something he could do successfully since he has a lot of difficulty with motor planning any gross or fine motor activity. At first I returned some of the socks back to the chair so that he could keep going. Eventually he caught on to what I was doing and he wanted to see the task reach a point of completion.
In the video you see a young man who is blind. He enjoys having the heavy socks thrown onto his lap as he tries to catch them. I taught a couple of other clients to throw them toward his lap and give a verbal cue that it is about to be thrown. This was great for promoting a social exchange and communication skills. The other client or I were able to keep this up for a good 10 to 15 minutes as we kept taking the socks back out of the box and throwing them into his lap again and again. Great fun for all....
Playing Catch with Bags of Sand is Great for Sensory Processing Disorders by