One of the things I love about my job is working with individuals with a wide range of abilities. One young man enjoyed pressing on a water bag placed on top of a light box.
I made this by filling a heavy duty zip loc baggie with some water, glitter, beads and hair gel. then I put this bag inside another one and covered all edges with duct tape.
I made a 2nd bag by filling it with a lot of hair gel and a eye ball that lights up when you smack it. This was a hit.
The 3rd baggy has glitter and water and a few beads inside. It was leaking bit so I put the first 2 bags inside a 3rd bag and this seems to be holding up pretty well. One client has found this exciting and it helps him to wait for lunch to be set up and another client told me that it is relaxing.
The bottom left picture shows an individual who need to work on using his hands together. He is pressing the clothespins to remove pictures. I cut holes into the plastic frame and wedged the pins into them, duct taped in place on back of the board. I actually cut each picture in half so that he can put them back together later- working on matching skills.
