Friday, June 12, 2015

Connect Four Activity

Inserting checkers into Connect 4 works on many skills.

I want the individuals to stabilize with one hand, so I removed the stand's legs and wedged the board inside the swimming noodle. This seems to be pretty easy to stabilize and some of them seemed to love it.

The woman in the second picture avoids using her right hand but tolerated stabilizing just long enough to complete the task. She didn't love it.... but tolerating it was good.....

The young man in the blue and white striped shirt often needs many cues to persist and complete tasks. He liked this so much he completed it independently and smiled a lot while doing it!!

I also want to improve their posture so this activity can be raised even higher if needed by positioning on top of a box.  The women in the bottom 2 pictures typically have their heads flexed so this activity can address their needs to sit more upright.

I like seeing the individuals learn that once a column is full, they need to move on to a different column. Some were having difficulty understanding how to position the checker to insert from the top, so we worked on that cognitive/visual-perceptual skill as well as motor control.

I positioned the tray with checkers in a variety of angles and on the person's dominant side.  The man reaching into the sensory container in the top photo is blind. At first he was removing beads, but quickly learned to feel and find only the checkers that can be inserted.

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