Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Reaching to String Words or Pictures

I designed this activity for an individual who is able to read and write. I wrote simple phrases on cards that I laminated and cut slits in the center for stringing.

There are 2 different products shown in the photos. One  has the end of the   cord attached to the top of a book stand using duct tape. I cut the flat plastic cord out of a shampoo bottle. There is another bottle attached to the board with black felt where the words are stored.

 Since the book stands that I ordered came with battery powered lights that clipped on, I added a few so that the activity can be performed in a room darkened for relaxation. 

The other photo shows the end of the cord attached to a green bottle handled so that he can tuck the end of the cord into it when finished. I just used the recycled materials, felt and duct tape that I had handy and this is how it turned out. You can use string or cord and make round holes in the word cards, but I have lots of plastic bottles available to use and these do not fray.

I love that he enjoyed reading the words. His eye hand coordination is pretty good so actually  stringing, although fun was not as important as the fact that he raised his arms repeatedly to strengthen his upper extremities and neck muscles. 

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