Thursday, March 6, 2014

Suspending Sensory Items

I am lucky to be working with someone who also enjoys making activities for the clients and better at carpentry than I am.

Program coordinator Jeff Baehrend at Shore Educational Collaborative made a frame that clamps onto the wheelchair. He attached the cord to the 2 pcv pipes and then attached a sock filled with a supermarket bag and cat toy that makes sounds when hit.  

I plan on making a variety of objects that feel and sound good when the individual swats at them.

The close up of the clamp shows a bit of how he attached the pcv pipe. There is a hole in the clamp where the pipe meets it. He attached a bolt to the bottom  of the pipe and then attached it to the clamp with a nut.

I am hoping that he will make more in various lengths so that the clients can use it as a ring stack while either sitting or standing. I plan on making some rings made out of socks with a bit of sand and foam inside.

They will have to use both hands and a bit of force to push them down. 

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