Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Unbuttoning Rings

I have made sensory socks before and asked children to pull them apart to work on motor planning skills. I have also made socks that attached to one another by buttoning but recently decided to add a button (made by cutting large plastic circles)  and a button hole so that each one could be buttoned into a  a ring. I connected them together like links so that the children would have to open the buttons to take apart. Each sock has 1/2 a supermarket plastic bag inside to give it some substance but not be too bulky.

The photos show the rings I made buttoned, unbuttoned and on my arm. I realized during therapy that 1) the little girls thought that they were beautiful pieces of jewelry and that they enjoyed the deep pressure of them on their own arms. Opening the buttons was a bit challenging but I love how putting them on and off my arm worked on both motor planning and strengthening and definitely required using their 2 hands together! 


  1. Barbara, These are amazing! They are fun and "unobtrusive." Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to do the same on the new Google+ community, The OT Tool Box! Come join us!

  2. How can I get started on recycling in vancouver? Do they support it? I love the idea of it, but I don't know how to get going.

  3. I love these! I am going to have to make a few for my classroom.

    Learning Ahoy!
