Sunday, September 2, 2012

Screen Time

As much as I love to manipulate objects I have been having some nice screen time over the last few weeks. I just returned from camping in Vermont where I met this adorable 2 year old. She  loved drawing on my Nook and pressing the numbers I pointed to to connect the dots and make a picture.  I think that forming lines and shapes with the index finger on a screen is a nice companion to doing this in finger point, wet sand or other sensory media. Its so easy for parents to entertain a young child in the car while working on finger control and forming shapes.


  1. Wow! Did you draw those on the Etch a Sketch? Amazing! haha. We thought we were pretty good if we managed to draw a circle on that.. (and we had that exact one when we were kids... found it recently but unfortunately it no longer worked :( ) Fabulous :)

  2. Yes indeed, thanks, sorry it took 5 years to respond 😀
