Monday, February 20, 2012

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.....

I'm a big believer in teaching social skills to everybody, even strangers (my husband says that this can be annoying) ....... But, I was waiting in line at a drug store yesterday, when a girl who looked about 10 years of age stepped in front of me to reach for the candies lining the cashier's counter.
The mom firmly directed her "Rachel, do not get in front of the lady, stand next to me. " 
The girl shot off to another counter and again the mom called her back to her side.
I paid for my order, turned around to face the girl and said "Rachel, thank you for waiting for your turn".
Surprised- Rachel said "you're welcome". Mom looked very pleased.
Short interactions from strangers can pack more punch than requests all day long from parents. It takes a village to raise any child........


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