Friday, August 12, 2011

I'll Tell You Why

I recently came across this book series. I haven't read it yet, but it looks very helpful since the author shares from a child's perspective as she experiences tactile defensiveness. According to author, Noreen O'Sullivan....

Combining my education in English, Art and Early Childhood Education, I launch my series of children's books:
 I'll Tell You Why...
•Having worked for many years as a teacher in Manhattan and Stockholm, my experience ignites my true passion for understanding seemingly unexplained behaviors in the classroom and in the home.
•My intention is to provide emotional advocacy for children with a variety of developmental delays.
•It is my extensive exploration of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) that inspires the basis for the current book series.
•My first hand experience, as a mother of daughters with various sensory issues, provides me with insightful views into the thoughts and emotions of these children.
•A native New Yorker, I now live in Denmark with my husband and three daughters- sharing a love of animals and nature.


  1. Hi, I'm sorry to leave (another) unrelated comment, but I contacted you a while ago to ask if you would be interested in having a guest poster. My name's Allie Gamble, and I'd love to pitch some ideas to you. Please drop me an e-mail at Thanks!

  2. Just coming by to say that you are the featured blog at my Autism Awareness Wednesday Blog hop. Thank you for joining last week. Sorry it has taken a while to get round to visiting you. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. Sarah
