Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trash 2 Treasure Video

Here is a video that explains how Trash 2 Treasure, a non-profit in Florida, collects recycling products to make crafts and other projects. A lot of the supplies can be used by teachers and students. Some of the treasures include: paper, wire, fabric,tile,wood scraps, glass for mosaics, paint, notebook binders, pens from out of business supply companies,foam, styrofoam, tins, prescription bottles, corks, containers, envelopes, tubes and Cd spindles. People can join, paying a membership fee and then take whatever they need. What I love best about such an enterprise is the recyclist doesn't have to store all this trash in one's own home!

Barbara Smith, M.S., OTR/L, author of The Recycling Occupational Therapist

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