Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Amazing Valentine Bottle

This plastic bottles used to hold cat litter was perfect for making these bottle mazes. Each side has a different maze pattern, but they all encourage moving top to bottom and across, just like the ones older children use with pencil and paper.

I cut different curvy paths on each side of the bottle. The hearts are made by cutting the heart shape out of plastic  (in this case Tide detergent bottle) with an extended plastic piece at the bottom. You can't see it, but the extended piece is folded  against the heart. I punched holes in both the heart side and the extended plastic piece side and then connected them with a paper fastener at the tip.

I can easily remove the hearts and use other shapes such as fish that will move down stream or cars on a road.The children were also happy to help me decorate the bottle with stickers.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Using my Plastic Bottle Book Stand

I used my book stand while making Anadama bread during the big February 2013 storm.   Look at how nicely my cook book stays open while I work.....
Instructions are included in my digital book: The Almost Complete Plastic bottle Activity Book
Most of the activities in this book describe therapeutic and teaching adaptations that promote learning and develop hand skills, but it was fun to include a few household adaptations such as the book stand- which can also be very helpful for students while reading or copying....
I also include below a couple of photos of the beach we went to today . We snow shoed on the trails and walked along the shore. The landscape was altered.....the wall of sand dune that my husband is walking toward used to be sloped so that we could walk up  to reach the staircase.